A Digital Magazine from IT Department

Alumni Interaction by Alumnus by Abhijeet Mahankal

Name of eventAlumni Interaction by Alumnus by Abhijeet Mahankal, Batch 2016.
Date/Time /Venue26 th February 2024/ 3:45-4:45 pm
Faculty Coordinator: Priti C. Golar

Student Coordinator: Ajay Aute
Samiksha Vairagade
Krutika Gadigone
Saurabh Chaudhari
Resource Person and
Designation with
contact details
Mr. Abhijeet Mahankal, Batch 2016 CE, Technical Solutions Architect, TCS.
Target audience3 rd year IT department
Objectives[1] Embrace a journey of Professional Growth and Transformation, unlocking your full potential in the ever-evolving landscape of your career.

[2] Master the art of Time Management and Work-Life Balance to harmonize productivity and well-being, fostering a fulfilling and sustainable professional life.

[3] Fearlessly pursue your dreams in the face of IT industry recessions, armed withinsights onnavigating challenges, turning setbacks into stepping stones toward success.

[4] Ignite motivation to set and achieve ambitious goals for holistic personal and professional development, propelling yourself towards a future of unparalleled accomplishment.
Description of eventEmbrace a transformative journey of Professional Growth, unlocking your full potential in the ever-evolving career landscape, as of the significant event on February 26, 2024.

Master the strategic art of Time Management and Work-Life Balance, harmonizing productivity and well-being, thereby cultivating a fulfilling and sustainable professional life, post the pivotal event on February 26, 2024.

Fearlessly pursue your dreams amid IT industry recessions, armed with insights on navigating challenges, transforming setbacks into stepping stones towards success, particularly relevant in the context of the event on February 26, 2024.

Ignite fresh motivation post the noteworthy event on February 26, 2024, propelling yourself to set and achieve ambitious goals for holistic personal and professional development, steering towards a future of unparalleled accomplishment
Relevance to POs
and PSOs
PO1, PO2, PO8, PO10, PO12, PSO1 and PSO2
Relevance to dept.
Vision & Mission
and institute
Align with the department’s Vision & Mission and contribute to the fulfillment of the institute’s objectives in a cohesive and impactful manner.
Outcome[1] Abhijeet Mahankal shared his journey from trainee to Technical Solutions Architect,
inspiring students with the potential for career evolution.

[2] Emphasizing the importance of a well-structured timetable, he showcased its role in
enhancing efficiency and productivity.

[3] Abhijeet highlighted the significance of balancing professional commitments with personal interests, promoting a fulfilling life through the cultivation of hobbies.

[4] Fearlessly sharing his dreams, he urged students to courageously pursue their aspirations, fostering resilience in the face of life’s challenges.
Feedback Analysis-
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Total no. of students. – 35